Skin Cancer Reconstruction: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Left (Before): This gentleman had a small bump in the inner corner of his right eye. A biopsy showed a skin cancer. The treatment options were discussed with him, and he elected Mohs surgery for the highest cure rate and most tissue conservation.
Middle (After Mohs surgery): As you can see, the skin cancer was much more extensive than anyone could see based on how it looked on the surface.
Right (Three months after reconstruction): The inner eyelid area is one of the most challenging areas of the face to repair because of multiple concave curves and the important structures that attach to the inner eye socket. This patient had a very extensive defect, but fortunately, the underlying tear drainage ducts were found to be intact. The area was reconstructed with a skin rotation and advancement flap for the remaining lower eyelid and cheek, extending down the side of the nose. This closed about 75-80% of the missing skin. The remainder was closed with a full-thickness skin graft from just in front of his ear. Notice the perfectly natural contours are restored for an excellent functional and cosmetic result. The patient was thrilled with the outcome of his surgery.