FaSula Scar Surgery: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Left (Before): This young woman has acne scars on her cheek. They are very noticeable to her, and a constant source of emotional distress. She does her best to cover them with heavy makeup. Not only does she not like it, but the makeup does not adequately camouflage the scars.
Right (After scar surgery): We discussed her treatment options. Although many physicians might recommend treatment with laser resurfacing, or other surface treatments, these scars are too deep to achieve meaningful correction with those techniques. Dr. Enzer suggested she have subcision with alloderm grafting. This was performed comfortably in our office minor surgery suite, and she had an outstanding outcome. Both she and Dr. Enzer were delighted with the results of her procedure.