Xanthelasma: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Left: This patient suddenly developed large yellow plaques on both upper eyelids that were not able to be camouflaged with make up. They are called xanthelasma, and are made up of cholesterol that get deposited into the skin for reasons that are not well understood. There are multiple treatment options, and all have a risk of recurrence or growing new lesions elsewhere. Dr. Enzer believes full thickness resection of the involved eyelid skin offers the lowest recurrence rates.
Right: Three months after xanthelasma excision. Dr. Enzer was able to close the defects created by the excision with skin advancement flaps. Notice this was done in such a way that there are no visible scars and the eyelids close normally. Both the patient and Dr. Enzer were very pleased with the results.