Skin Laser Resurfacing: Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Skin Laser Resurfacing Skin Laser Resurfacing



Skin Laser Resurfacing Skin Laser Resurfacing
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Skin Laser Resurfacing Skin Laser Resurfacing
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Skin Laser Resurfacing Skin Laser Resurfacing
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Skin laser resurfacing

Before: This 70 year old woman had severe skin damage with deep wrinkles and brown spots on her facial skin. Dr. Enzer discussed a wide array of skin rejuvenating options with her, from the most mild to the strongest. She elected the strongest and deepest treatment, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser skin resurfacing to give her the best chance for improvement.

After: Eight months after full face active and deep fractionated CO2 laser skin resurfacing. Her recovery was complicated by a rare bacterial infection. Dr. Enzer was there for her every step of her journey towards a full recovery. This including nine visits to Dr. Enzer after the resurfacing at no extra charge to make sure she healed perfectly. Notice the dramatic reduction of her wrinkles and skin tightening. Follow up treatment of residual excess pigment and skin redness was also recommended.

Individual Results May Vary