Skin Laser Resurfacing: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Category: Skin laser resurfacing and YAG tattoos, brown spots
Before: This middle-aged woman with a Mediterranean complexion wants to get rid of all her dark brown spots on her skin. Various treatments were tried, including bleaching creams, and chemical peels, but nothing worked.
After: Dr. Enzer discussed laser treatment for her brown spots. Although Q-switched YAG lasers (nano- or pico-) are the most common solution, we have had much more success with Laser Assisted Drug Delivery (LADD).
Dr. Enzer or his staff performs fractionated ablative laser skin resurfacing first. This places thousands of micro-injury zones into the skin, thereby opening the skin barrier, allowing drugs to penetrate deeply. You can see the results after only one office treatment, a truly remarkable result. And the skin is rejuvenated at the same time. The downtime is usually only a few days. She and Dr. Enzer were delighted with the results.