
Brow Lift – Forehead Lift Options Providence

Published on October 23, 2015 by
Brow Lift Providence

Drooping eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, and the appearance of fatigue in the eye region can all be addressed with the help of a brow lift procedure. There are numerous methods through which we can perform a brow lift. Our surgical brow lift methods include the endoscopic brow lift, which Dr. Enzer helped to pioneer. For non-surgical […]

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Endoscopic Brow Lift – Incisions Providence

Published on August 22, 2014 by
Endoscopic Brow Lift Providence

If you’re interested in a brow lift, you may be trying to decide between getting an endoscopic brow lift or a traditional coronal brow lift. One major difference between the endoscopic brow lift and the coronal brow lift is the type of incisions that will be created. Instead of one large incision, three to five […]

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