Archive for August, 2018
Treat Your Scars Comprehensively with the Help of FaSuLa Scar Revision

It has always been quite difficult to treat and remove scars effectively. However, things are changing, and medical science is evolving at an exponential rate. This has led to the development of advanced treatments and procedures. The FaSuLa scar-revision procedure, developed by Dr. Yoash Enzer himself, is one such solution. It doesn’t matter what kind […]
The Ronald McDonald House of Providence
Last year we participated in an event dear to our heart. The Ronald McDonald House of Providence provides programs that directly improve the health and well-being of hospitalized children and their families. Their programs allow families to spend additional time with a sick child, help ease financial burdens, provide a sense of normalcy and keep […]
Our Fraxel Laser Skin Treatment Beautifies the Skin

Age, stress, and the environment can take a heavy toll on our skin, sometimes making us look older than our true age, tired, worn down, and even unhealthy. In addition to the wrinkles we expect with aging, one can also see sagging skin, shadows, sun or age spots, irregular pigmentation, and even benign or cancerous […]