Drooping eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, and the appearance of fatigue in the eye region can all be addressed with the help of a brow lift procedure. There are numerous methods through which we can perform a brow lift.

Our surgical brow lift methods include the endoscopic brow lift, which Dr. Enzer helped to pioneer. For non-surgical brow lifts, we can perform fat transfer injections, injections of neuromodulators like Botox, or injections of synthetic facial fillers like Juvederm.

Sometimes, the best option is a combination of injecting and surgical lifting. Your aesthetic goals and the details of your case will help to determine your optimal brow lift method.

Discuss your options in further detail – set up an appointment for a brow lift consultation by contacting our office. You will speak with Dr. Yoash Enzer, a board-certified surgeon and Rhode Island’s top laser and cosmetic specialist, who will be happy to answer your questions.