Liquid Face Lift Procedure – Providence Anti-Aging
Published on January 18, 2016 by
A liquid face lift procedure involves the use of injectables to accomplish a wide variety of anti-aging corrections. A bright, youthful face can be yours again – no surgery required! Generally, the liquid face lift procedure can eliminate wrinkles, lines, and folds while providing a lift and enhancement to facial contours. Though many people choose […]
Juvederm Voluma – Providence Facial Volume
Published on July 20, 2015 by
As we grow older, many of us experience a change in our appearance: the development of a harsh or gaunt look. This is caused by a gradual loss of volume in the underlying facial fat layer. As the tissues lose volume, the bones of the face begin to stand out more. To restore this loss […]
Liquid Facelift – Injectable Dermal Fillers Providence
Published on June 18, 2015 by
If you’re tired of seeing signs of the aging process appearing prominently on your face, it’s time to do something about it. In the world of modern aesthetic enhancement, surgery is no longer required to give patients the results they’re looking for. Instead, many patients come in for a procedure called the liquid facelift. The […]