No Matter the Cause of Your Double Chin, Kybella Can Be the Solution

Tired of your double chin making your face appear fat? Kybella injections can help. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable used to contour and improve the appearance of a moderate to severe double chin.
Many factors can lead to the development of a double chin. Weight gain, aging, genetics – all have an equal part to play. A double chin can be frustratingly persistent and can resist diet and exercise.
Kybella treatment is a fast and effective way to get rid of your submental fat (the fat below the chin). It uses deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells.
If you want to avoid a more invasive cosmetic surgery procedure such as liposuction, Kybella is an effective alternative. It does not require any incisions, and recovery time is minimal.
Good Candidates for Kybella
If you are over 18 years of age and struggle with moderate to severe fat under your chin, you may be a good candidate for Kybella.
You should not undergo Kybella treatment if you have had any infection in the treatment area or have had or are planning to get a facial surgery.
It is also inadvisable to have a Kybella treatment administered if you are pregnant, nursing, or have difficulty swallowing.
If you are prone to bleeding or planning to conceive anytime soon, you may not be an ideal candidate for this treatment.
Before the Procedure
Consult with Dr. Enzer before choosing to have a Kybella treatment performed. Share your medical history with him and let him know if you’ve had any prior cosmetic surgical procedures performed on your face, neck, or chin.
Because Kybella is a non-surgical procedure, there is very little you need to do to prepare. Wash and clean your face properly before receiving the treatment to avoid any risk of infection. Avoid ibuprofen and acetaminophen before the procedure to minimize post-treatment bruising.
How It Works
Kybella is primarily a deoxycholic-acid injectable. Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that is produced in our body for the purpose of fat absorption. When injected, this acid destroys the fat cells in the submental area so they cannot store fat any longer. This makes it more effective than measures that merely shrink the fat cells, because in those cases, the fat cells still exist in the region and have the opportunity to grow again.
The Kybella Treatment Procedure
Dr. Enzer will first highlight the treatment sites for be injected with a marker. He may or may not apply a topical numbing agent or ice pack intended to ease your discomfort during the procedure.
Injections are then administered. The Kybella kills the fat cells in the areas injected, and these dead fat cells are metabolized by the body over time.
The number of treatment sessions required depends on the individual case and varies from person to person. You may need multiple treatments to achieve your desired results.
It is normal to receive up to six treatments, with a minimum of a month between each treatment. Most patients can notice the improvement after one or two Kybella treatments.
Learn More by Arranging a Consultation
Dr. Yoash Enzer, a board-certified surgeon and Rhode Island’s top laser and cosmetic specialist, will be available to speak with you about Kybella during a consultation. To schedule your consultation, contact our office today.