Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Left (Before): This very active gentleman noticed progressive drooping of his eyelids to the point where he was having trouble with reading, driving, and other daily activities. When the drooping eyelid (medical word: Ptosis) gets this severe, the corrective surgery can be covered by most medical insurance companies.
Right (Five months after surgery): The patient underwent bilateral anterior levator resection surgery. This is a time-tested technique for raising eyelids. It works by tightening and reattaching the levator muscle to the cartilage-like plate of the upper lid, thereby making it stronger. Most people want the lid to rest near the top of the colored part of the eye (iris), but looking at old photos, this gentleman always had somewhat lower eyelids, and therefore we elected to keep him at his natural level. Both he and Dr. Enzer were very happy with the outcome of his surgery.