Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Lower blepharoplasty
Mid-face lift
Three months after surgery.
This fifty-ish year old woman was bothered by the dark circles and puffiness under her eyes. Dr. Enzer explained that if she only removed fat from under the eyes it would look too hollow, and the groove between the upper cheek and lower eyelid would still be present to create the dark circles. Therefore we added a mid-face lift. The entire procedure was performed through the inside of the lower eyelids and a tiny incision in the outer corners of her eyelids. The photos are unretouched, and there is some blurring as they are taken without a flash to maximize the shadowing. Notice the smooth contour to her lower eyelids after the surgery, and how nicely the lower eyelids blend into her cheeks.