Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery: Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery



Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery
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Category: Eyelid Surgery

Before: This patient has drooping eyelids. There are many types and causes for a drooping lid. In this case the droop was due to an attenuated (thin and weak) attachment of the levator muscle (eyelid elevator) to the tarsal plate (the cartilage-like backbone of the lid).

After: Four months after raising both lids. This patient had a procedure called anterior levator resection (ALR). Although slightly less predictable that the alternative technique, Muller Muscle Resection (MMR), the ALR procedure is much more powerful. This patient’s lid droop required the ALR surgery. Note, she raises the right brow more giving the illusion that the right eye is more open. In fact, they are perfectly equal!

Individual Results May Vary