Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.

Mid-face lift
Ptosis repair
Quad laser blepharoplasty
Notes: Four months post op. This patient had drooping eyelids, worse on the right, that, together with the wrinkles and dark circles around her eyes was making her look sad and tired. She underwent four lid laser blepharoplasty and mid-face lifting, along with surgery to raise both upper lids. Notice in the set of photos taken with flash (the one with the tear coming down the right eye) how much more open and brighter the eyes look. Of note, this patient elected not to have laser skin resurfacing or brow filler as recommended to fully rejuvenate the eye area. Thus one can still see wrinkling and even the appearance of excess upper lid skin.
Individual Results May Vary