Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery: Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery



Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery
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Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery
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Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery Eyelid and Upper Facial Surgery
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Three months after upper blepharoplasty.

This elderly woman was not so much bothered by her appearance as by the fact that her vision was blocked by her heavy lid folds in the periphery. We performed an upper blepharoplasty and slightly raised her left upper lid height to give her a more open upper lid. She had excellent functional and cosmetic results! In the future, if she were interested, fat or synthetic fillers could be infused just below and within the eyebrow area to fill in the remaining deflated skin.

Individual Results May Vary