When we dress smartly for office meetings, we feel more confident. When we arrive at a party and heads turn, we feel happier. We all know that looking good can make us feel good. We take care of our bodies by hitting the gym and eating right. Our regular dentist consultations help us make sure that our smiles are perfect. But what do we do when we want clear, blemish-free skin?

Skin Blemishes

Brown blotches on our skin can be terribly off-putting. Liver spots, age spots, sun spots, and freckles mar the beauty of our body and make us uncomfortable with our own skin. These uneven deposits of melanin tend to form on skin that is most exposed to the sun. Unfortunately, this also means that these appear on prominent locations of our body, such as our face, neck, arms, and shoulders.

Age spots may not be harmful to our health, but they do affect our self-image. The good news is that they can be easily removed with the help of a simple treatment called the YAG laser treatment.

YAG Laser: How It Works

A laser is a set of powerful parallel light rays of a specific wavelength. The wavelength of the Yttrium Aluminum Garnet laser, or YAG laser, is such that it will be absorbed only by the cells containing the pigment melanin.

During treatment, when the skin area with brown spots is exposed to the YAG laser, the energy is absorbed only by the pigmented cells. The resulting sudden heat in the cells damages them. When these cells are flushed away as part of the natural clean-up system of our body, the skin becomes lighter and clearer. Depending on the type of blemish and the extent to which we want it to fade, a few treatment sessions may be needed.

During the treatment, if the patient feels any discomfort, it will only be a mild sting similar to the impact of a very thin rubber band. Anesthesia is generally not required. Any mild redness after the treatment will disappear within a few minutes. In case the patient still feels any discomfort, ice packs can be used to soothe the treated skin.

For optimum results, it’s important to follow a few simple instructions after the procedure, including:
• Avoiding washing the skin with scrubbing agents
• Avoiding tanning at salons or under the sun
• Applying sunscreens and fading creams as prescribed

The YAG treatment is a relatively painless, quick, and efficient method for achieving blemish-free skin. No surgery is involved, and there is no recovery period required. In addition to blemish removal, the YAG treatment improves skin tone and rejuvenates skin as well.

Make an Appointment to Speak with a Skilled Medical Professional

Want to learn more? Dr. Yoash Enzer, a board-certified surgeon and Rhode Island’s top laser and cosmetic specialist, can answer your questions about the YAG laser during a consultation. To schedule an informative and helpful consultation with Dr. Enzer, contact our office and set up your appointment.